First-Time Dog Owner: Discover the Truth About Huskies

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Husky laid down

Huskies are one of the most popular dog breeds, known for their beautiful coat, friendly personality, and intelligence. But are they really good for first time dog owners?

This is a question that many potential dog owners ask themselves when considering adding a husky to their family.

The truth is, huskies can be a great choice for first time owners, but it’s important to understand the unique needs and characteristics of this breed before making a decision. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what you need to know about huskies, including their energy and exercise needs, their suitability for apartment living, their difficulty level when it comes to training, and their grooming requirements.

We’ll also explore the benefits of owning a husky, such as their loyalty and companionship.

Overall, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of owning a husky, and understand that they are a high-maintenance breed that requires a lot of time, attention, and energy.

But with the right training and consistency, huskies can be incredibly loyal and loving companions.


  • Huskies are highly energetic and active dogs, requiring regular intense exercise to stay fit and healthy.
  • They are considered high-maintenance breeds that require a lot of time, attention, and exercise
  • Huskies are not ideal for apartment life, they are better suited to a home with a big yard and someone who has the time and energy to give them the attention they need.
  • With the right training and consistency, huskies can be incredibly loyal and loving companions.

What you need to know about Huskies

Husky smiling at the camera

Huskies are one of the most popular dog breeds. They’re known for their beautiful coat, friendly personality, and intelligence. But are they really good for first time owners?

You’ll be surprised to learn that huskies can actually be a great choice for first time dog owners!

1. Huskies are highly energetic and active dogs

Originally bred as sled dogs, Huskies are naturally high-energy and require regular, intense exercise to stay fit and healthy. They are vocal and independent, with thick and long coats that require regular brushing and occasional grooming.

They are medium-sized, weighing 35-60 pounds and standing 20-24 inches tall, and have average intelligence, needing 25-40 repetitions to learn a new command. But what really sets Huskies apart is their incredible energy and activity levels: they are the ultra-marathon runners of the dog world, capable of running 100 miles per day!

2. Huskies need a lot of exercise and attention

Huskies are high maintenance breeds that require a lot of time, attention, and exercise. They need a lot of your focus and attention, and it is important to prioritize them throughout the day.

Daily exercise is essential for a Husky, and ideally they need two hours of exercise a day, one hour in the morning and another in the evening. This should be high intensity exercise and not just a light stroll in the park.

As Huskies are very intelligent, it is important to invest in advanced obedience classes to ensure that they are properly trained.

Additionally, these dogs need a lot of love and attention from their owners, and if they do not receive enough, it can lead to misbehavior that can make training difficult. Therefore, Husky owners need to be committed and active with their dogs in order to keep them healthy and happy.

4. Huskies are not good for apartment life

Huskies are not ideal for apartment life because they require a significant amount of exercise, are difficult to train, and can become destructive if left alone for too long. Originally bred to pull sleds across ice and snow, they have a tremendous amount of energy, and regular exercise is essential to keep them both mentally and physically healthy.

Without an open yard to dig and explore, they can become destructive and can easily escape from a backyard fence or motion sensors. Additionally, their thick coats can mean a lot of shedding, which is not ideal for a clean house.

Furthermore, they require a lot of attention and cannot be left alone for too long. Hence, they are better suited to a home with a big yard and someone who has the time and energy to give them the attention they need.

5. Huskies can be difficult to train

Huskies are often considered to be a high-maintenance breed due to their tendency to be stubborn and independent. This makes them difficult to train and, as a result, may not be the best breed for inexperienced dog owners.

Huskies require a lot of patience, consistency, and determination from their owners in order to be successful with training. It is important to start training from the first day with a solid routine in order to set boundaries and expectations for your dog, and to ensure that your pup knows that you are in charge.

Additionally, it is important to be realistic about how much time, effort, and energy you are willing and able to devote to training your husky. With the right training and consistency, however, huskies can be incredibly loyal and loving companions.

6. Huskies need a lot of grooming

Husky breathing with its tongue out

How much grooming does a Husky require?

  1. Vacuum regularly to remove excess hair before it falls to the floor.
  2. Brush the coat at least once a week during the year, and daily during shedding season.
  3. Bathe your Husky as needed, using a high-quality dog shampoo.
  4. Brush your Husky’s teeth at least two or three times a week.
  5. Trim your Husky’s nails once or twice a month.
  6. Check your Husky’s ears weekly for redness or a bad odor.
  7. Inspect your Husky for sores, rashes, or signs of infection such as redness, tenderness, or inflammation on the skin, in the nose, mouth, and eyes, and on the feet.
  8. Accustom your Husky to being brushed and examined when he’s a puppy.

Is a husky the right dog for you?

The answer to this question really depends on your lifestyle, your ability to provide your husky with enough exercise and attention, as well as your willingness to commit to the long-term care of your dog.

A Siberian Husky can make an amazing companion for the right family. They are an incredibly energetic and outgoing breed, friendly and sociable with new people, not naturally aggressive, and very affectionate and loving.

However, owning a Husky requires a lot of time and energy, and you need to be able to provide them with enough exercise, stimulation and attention. Huskies are also known for being a bit stubborn, so it may take some patience and persistence to train them. Huskies also have a lot of coat shedding and need a cold climate to stay comfortable.

In the end, it’s important to remember that owning a dog is a lifetime commitment. If you’re able to provide your Husky with the care and attention they need, then they can make an amazing pet. If you’re unsure, it’s worth researching the breed further and considering other breeds that may better fit your needs.

How easy is it to train a husky?

Training a Husky can be challenging, as they are known for being relatively stubborn. It is not mandatory to have prior experience in dog training to own a Husky, but it is recommended. Even first timers can train a Husky, but they must commit to a battle with consistent, firm training and attention. It is important to consider if you are ready for the research, commitment and challenge of training a Husky.

In comparison to other breeds, the Bichon Frise, Bulldog, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Collie, English Toy Spaniel, French Bulldog, Golden Retriever and Great Dane are all considered easier to care for and train. This is because they are less energetic and generally more obedient.

Ultimately, if you are not ready to accept the challenge and struggle of training a Husky, you may be better off getting one of the other breeds.

What are some common training challenges for Huskies?

Husky with a leaf in its mouth

What are some common training challenges for Huskies?

Common training challenges for Huskies include stubbornness, a strong independent streak, and the need for a lot of attention. Huskies are notoriously difficult to train and are not recommended for novice or inexperienced owners. To be successful in training your Husky, you need to be patient, determined, and consistent.

  • Stubbornness: Huskies are known for their stubbornness and independent streak, which can make training difficult. To combat this, use positive reinforcement, be firm but kind, and stay consistent with your training exercises.
  • Attention & Exercise: Huskies need a lot of attention and exercise, which can be a challenge for novice owners. It is important to devote plenty of time and energy to training your Husky and to ensure they get enough physical and mental stimulation.
  • Brain Training: Brain Training For Dogs is becoming increasingly popular with Huskies and is now recognized as one of the best ways to train them. This type of training focuses on positive reinforcement, and can help to combat stubbornness and other common training challenges.
  • Consider Your Lifestyle: It is important to consider your lifestyle before getting a Husky. If you need to make a lot of adjustments for the Husky, it could become too difficult for you and you may end up getting tired, fed up, or even giving up.

How important is socialization for a husky?

Socialization is of utmost importance for a Siberian Husky, as it helps them become accustomed to new environments and people. Huskies are very sociable and friendly, especially with other family members, but they need to be exposed to different people, places and experiences in order to help them become comfortable with the world around them.

Socialization can be as simple as a daily walk in the park or as elaborate as enrolling them in puppy classes. Socializing a husky can help them become better-mannered, more confident and less likely to act out when they are in unfamiliar settings.

In addition, socialization helps to curb negative behaviors that can be caused by fear or anxiety. Without adequate socialization, huskies can become destructive, aggressive, or withdrawn when exposed to new people or places. By socializing them and teaching them how to interact with the world in a positive manner, owners can ensure that their huskies will become beloved family members.

Ultimately, socialization is an essential part of a husky’s life, as it enables them to become more confident and better-behaved. Huskies need to be trained, exercised, and socialized in order to become the perfect family pet, so owners should make sure to give their furry friends plenty of opportunities to interact with the world around them.

What’s it like living with a husky?

Husky saying hello

How much space and time do Huskies need?

Huskies are one of the most active dog breeds, and they require a lot of space and time to keep them healthy and happy.

Huskies may test the patience of their owners due to their stubbornness, making crate training and leash training particularly important.

If you are looking for a loyal and active companion that needs a lot of exercise and attention, a Husky will be a perfect fit.

Are there any specific health concerns for Huskies?

Huskies are generally a healthy breed, but like all breeds, they may be prone to certain health conditions. Some health issues to be aware of include juvenile cataracts, hip health and potential issues, and thrombopathia.

It is important to buy from a reputable breeder who can show you health clearances for both the puppy’s parents. You should also expect to see health clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand’s disease; from Auburn University for thrombopathia; and from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) certifying that eyes are normal.

In addition to specific health concerns, regular grooming and exercise are important for Huskies. They have a double coat that sheds heavily twice a year and needs to be brushed at least once a week to prevent excessive shedding. Nails should also be trimmed regularly. They should also have access to plenty of exercise, such as daily walks and running. A high protein diet is also essential for their skin and coat health.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Huskies can make great companions for first time dog owners, despite their high-maintenance nature.

They are highly energetic and active dogs that require regular, intense exercise to stay fit and healthy. They are also known for their beautiful coat, friendly personality, and intelligence.

However, potential owners should be prepared to devote a lot of time, attention, and exercise to their furry friend. Additionally, advanced obedience classes and consistent training are a must in order to ensure a well-behaved and obedient companion.

With the right training and consistency, Huskies can be incredibly loyal and loving companions.

Furthermore, owning a husky can be a rewarding experience for those who are willing to put in the time and energy to properly care for them. Overall, huskies can be great pets for those who are willing to commit to their needs.

Are huskies good for first time owners? Questions & Answers (FAQ)

Here’s some common Q&A on this topic:

What are the characteristics of Huskies?

Huskies are a high energy breed that require a lot of activity and exercise. They are fiercely loyal, intelligent, and affectionate dogs with a thick and long coat that needs to be regularly brushed and groomed. They have an average intelligence, with them needing 25-40 repetitions to learn a new command.

However, they can be stubborn and require a lot of training, so they are not ideal for inexperienced dog owners. They are also escape artists, so a strong willed and consistent owner is required.

Are Huskies good for first time owners?

Huskies can be a great choice for first time dog owners, but they do require a lot of attention, exercise, and training. They are highly energetic and active dogs that need at least two hours of exercise a day, and they require a lot of love and attention from their owners.

However, with the right training and consistency, they can be incredibly loyal and loving companions.

What are the exercise requirements for a Husky?

Huskies require a lot of exercise, ideally two hours a day, one hour in the morning and another in the evening. This should be high intensity exercise and not just a light stroll in the park.

How much food does a Husky need?

A Husky typically needs 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals. Huskies are known for being “easy keepers” and require a relatively small amount of food for their size.

It is important to choose a premium quality dog food to ensure your dog is getting the right nutrition. You should also monitor your dog’s activity levels and adjust meal sizes accordingly.