Do Siberian Huskies Get Along with Cats? A Guide to Understanding Husky-Cat Dynamics

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Husky playing in snow

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is whether huskies get along with other animals – in this case, cats.

In short, yes – huskies do get a long with cats. This relies on socialising with other dogs and obedience training so that your husky listens to your commands. The best way to introduce two pets is when a husky is a puppy. The biggest battle at this stage will be with the abundance of energy your husky may have.

In this article, we’ll look at the natural temperament of Siberian huskies and cats and then move on to how they typically interact and the steps you can take to help your husky and cat to get along.


  • Huskies and cats can get along with each with no issues.
  • The best way to achieve this is through training, socialisation and ensuring a slow introduction.
  • It’s always best to have some failsafe in place – a high place for a cat to escape and supervision for the early encounters.
  • The main battle is with husky’s natural prey drive which triggers when an animal runs. Through patience and training this can be worked on.

What is the temperament of Siberian Huskies?

The temperament of Siberian Huskies can have an influence on their ability to get along with cats. If a husky is raised in a home where it is given clear, consistent commands and enough exercise, then it has the potential to be friendly and outgoing. On the other hand, if a husky is not socialized properly or has been neglected, its temperament may be affected in negative ways which could lead to aggressive behavior with other animals including cats. It is important that owners of Siberian Huskies take steps to ensure they are well-socialized and taught acceptable behavior around other creatures. Furthermore, due to the natural predatory instincts of Siberians and their tendency towards mischievousness, owners should always supervise interactions between huskies and cats in order to ensure safety for both animals.

What is the temperament of cats?

It is important to understand the temperament of cats when considering if a Siberian Husky would get along with them because cats may not tolerate the Husky’s high energy levels. Mixed breed cats may be more tolerant and adaptable, but if a cat is timid or flighty, then it may not be a good fit with a husky. If a timid or flighty cat is living with a husky, it could move out or become ill due to stress from the situation.

How do huskies and cats typically interact with each other?

Husky and cat resting

1. Prey drive

  • Huskies typically have a prey drive which makes it difficult for them to get along with cats.
  • It is going to be harder to train a Husky to co-exist with a cat than it is with other breeds of canines.
  • Introducing a little puppy to a feline isn’t really a walk in the park, as it requires quite a lot of preparation, planning, and patience.
  • Although most of the time it’s considered that canines and felines can’t co-exist, even from when they are puppies huskies have that urge to “chase” everything around them – this inclues small animals.
  • They typically get along well when introduced monitored and stopped from chasing each other.

2. Training

Training a Siberian Husky to get along with a cat can be a difficult process, however it is possible if done correctly. It requires time, patience and practice to get a Husky used to being around cats. The best approach is to ensure both the husky and the cat are properly trained from an early age so they can understand each other’s behavior better. Additionally, providing plenty of treats for both animals when they behave correctly can go a long way in fostering positive interactions between them.

3. Prevention

In order to prevent Siberian Huskies from not getting along with cats, it is important to understand each animal’s behavior and instincts. Three ways to try and get them to get along are through exercise, feeding them properly, and playing together. Additionally, it is essential for both animals to be well trained in order for the relationship between the two animals to be successful. They should also spend only a limited amount of time together at first; during this time they should be closely supervised as well. Finally, it is important that both animals are well fed and hydrated in order for conflicts between the two not arise due to hunger or thirst.

4. Commands

To help huskies and cats get along, commands can be used to ensure they stay safe while interacting. These commands may include keeping the animals separate when they are still hyperactive, feeding each animal before introducing them to one another, and avoiding putting the Husky near the cat if it is hungry. Training can also help build a better understanding of each animal’s behavior and instincts as well as teaching specific behaviors that will signal cooperation between the two animals.

5. Treats

Treats can be a great way to help a husky and cat get along. Owners should give their pets treats as positive reinforcement for good behavior, or as rewards for spending time together. Treats can also be used as “bribes” to encourage the animals to interact with each other in a positive way. It’s important that owners monitor the situation while giving treats, so they can remove them if needed and prevent any negative behaviors from occurring.

6. Place Command

The ‘Place’ command is a useful tool for teaching a Husky how to interact with cats. It involves training the Husky to lay down and stay in one spot regardless of what is going on around them. This helps keep the Husky from getting too excited or aggressive around cats, as they learn that they won’t receive any rewards or attention if they don’t obey this command. Additionally, it allows cats to feel safe and secure when in close proximity with a Husky, since the latter will remain still despite their presence. The Place command can be used by owners as a way of helping their huskies and cats get along better and foster positive interactions between them.

7. Crate Training

The best way to introduce a Siberian Husky to a cat is to approach the situation gradually. When first introducing them, it’s important to place the Husky puppy in a dog crate and ensure that they are tired before interacting with the cat. For safety, it is also essential for the feline to have an escape route in case things go wrong. During their initial interactions, it’s wise for an owner to keep a close eye on them and use “no” if necessary. Even though there may be clashes at first, with patience and training both animals can eventually learn how to get along.

8. Self-Control & Impulse Control

It is difficult to predict whether a Siberian Husky and a cat will get along, as the two animals are polar opposites. Training both animals may help to bridge the gap between them, however ultimately close supervision is recommended. In addition, it is important to ensure that neither animal becomes too hungry around the other, as this can lead to increased aggression. Exercising both pets regularly and playing with them together can also be beneficial in helping Huskies and cats get along more peacefully. With patience and dedication on behalf of their owner, it is possible for a Siberian Husky and a cat to coexist happily in the same household.

What are a few steps to help your cat and husky get along better?

Husky and cat sleeping together

Step 1: Start when they are young

It is important to start introducing a Siberian Husky to cats when they are young, as their energy and knowledge retention is high. This habit will help them develop a good relationship with the cat early on, avoiding any potential conflicts that can arise later in life. Additionally, it helps create a bond between the Husky and its owner from an early age.

Step 2: Take things very slow

It is important to take things slow when introducing a cat and husky in order to prevent tension and aggression, as well as preventing any accidents that may arise. Taking the time to introduce them slowly will allow the pets to get used to each other gradually, rather than abruptly. By providing treats, distractions and having people around during introductions can also help create a positive first impression between the two animals.

Step 3: Supervise encounters

It is important to supervise encounters between a cat and a husky in order to help decrease any unexpected behavior that may occur. Supervising their interactions also helps track changes in their behavior over time and can take several weeks or months for them to adjust, so it is important to continue supervision even after the first few weeks of introducing them.

Step 4: Wear your husky out before an interaction

It is important for owners to wear their Siberian Huskies out before having an interaction with their cats, as this can help reduce the chances of aggression or chasing. Additionally, it gives both parties a chance to get used to each other and become comfortable in each other’s presence. By providing exercise and mental stimulation prior to an encounter, owners can ensure that both the husky and cat remain calm during interactions. Finally, wearing out your husky will also help them learn better when being trained on how to properly interact with cats.

Step 5: Play with husky and cats equally

It is important to play with both a Siberian Husky and a cat in order to help them get along better and reduce the amount of tension between them. Playing with both pets helps build trust, as well as teaching the husky that the cat is part of the family. Playing also provides an opportunity for them to become used to each other’s presence, which can be especially helpful if they are introduced gradually over time. Moreover, playing helps keep your husky entertained and distracted away from chasing or attacking your cat(s). Therefore, it is essential for owners to make sure they spend suitable amounts of time playing with both their husky and their cat(s) in order to foster good relationships between pets.

Step 6: Give both animals equal attention

It is important to give both animals equal attention in order to prevent jealousy or territorial behavior, as well as ensure their overall well-being. Cats and Huskies are both attention-seeking animals and need to be given the same amount of care in order for them to get along. By giving them equal amounts of attention, it helps ensure that they can peacefully live together and strengthens their bond.

Step 7: Give them their space

Giving cats and huskies their own space is important to help prevent stress and potential aggression between the two animals. By providing them with separate areas, they will have a chance to relax without worrying about conflict or fear. Additionally, by separating them during meal times, sleep times, and bathroom breaks it can provide an opportunity for them to better get to know each other without any distractions.

Step 8: Feed your cat first

It is important to feed a cat before allowing it to come into contact with a Husky, as this establishes dominance in the relationship between the two animals. Feeding an adult Husky should be avoided if it has shown aggressive behavior towards food, as this can lead to conflict and make it harder for them to get along.

Step 9: Create high places for your cat to escape

Creating high places for cats is important in helping them get along better with Siberian huskies because it gives the cat an escape route if they feel threatened or just want to get away from the dog. The high places help give the cat a place to observe the Husky without having to interact, as well as provide a way for the prey drive in a Husky to turn down since it does not have something running away from it.

Step 10: Get a trainer

It is recommended to get a trainer when trying to get a cat and husky to get along better because training takes time and repetition. A trainer can help start the process of getting the two animals accustomed to each other and provide guidance for keeping them separated on leashes during introductions. Additionally, having a trainer can ensure that moments of tension are avoided with distractions like treats, as well as helping the pet owners learn how to distract their pets with treats and gradually introduce them while consistently intercepting any chasing behaviors or escalating tensions.

Step 11: Train your husky the “ignore” command

Training the “ignore” command can be an effective way to help cats and huskies get along. By having the husky walk by the cat without any interaction, and rewarding them with treats every time they do, it reinforces positive behavior. Gradually introducing them over a few days allows for tension to lessen between both animals. It is also important to have someone present in case things become too heated and require separation until both animals become more comfortable around each other. Finally, establishing the “NO” command when chases happen helps reinforce that chasing is not allowed. With consistent training, cats and huskies will eventually be able to get along peacefully without supervision.

Step 12: Be vigilant always

It is important to be vigilant when helping a cat and husky get along better, as any interaction between them could lead to conflict. This is why it is essential for owners of both pets to be aware of their whereabouts and interactions in order to keep them safe. Furthermore, they should supervise any time the two animals are together so that they can predict the dog’s behavior and take necessary action if needed. Additionally, if a husky loves chasing other cats around in its owner’s yard, then the owner must install a fence or make sure their neighbors’ cats are protected from such incidents.

Are there any health or safety risks associated with a cat-husky pairing?

When considering whether to have a Siberian Husky and a cat living together, it is important to consider the risks associated with the situation. Research has indicated that Siberian Huskies rank lowest in the possibility of harming cats, but there are still potential risks that should be taken into account. If a cat and Siberian Husky do not get along, it may be necessary to re-home one of them, which could lead to an unhappy outcome for both pets. Therefore, it is important to assess the situation carefully before introducing two different species into one household.

Huskies & Cats – Questions & Answers (FAQ)

Here’s some common Q&A on whether Siberian Huskies get along with cats.

What is the main reason why huskies chase cats?

To prevent a Siberian husky from chasing cats, an owner should ensure the dog is trained properly. Training can include teaching commands such as “stay” and “come,” ensuring the husky stays when distracted or in the presence of a cat, and playing fetch to keep it entertained. Additionally, exercise is important for keeping the husky active and preventing it from chasing cats. Feeding both animals separately can help reduce any conflicts between them, while fencing or leashing the dog when outside will also be beneficial. Finally, providing escape routes for cats whenever they get tired of being pestered by your husky will help avoid any issues arising between them.

What are some of the things you can do to prevent your husky from chasing cats?

To prevent a Siberian husky from chasing cats, an owner should ensure the dog is trained properly. Training can include teaching commands such as “stay” and “come,” ensuring the husky stays when distracted or in the presence of a cat, and playing fetch to keep it entertained. Additionally, exercise is important for keeping the husky active and preventing it from chasing cats. Feeding both animals separately can help reduce any conflicts between them, while fencing or leashing the dog when outside will also be beneficial. Finally, providing escape routes for cats whenever they get tired of being pestered by your husky will help avoid any issues arising between them.

Do huskies only chase cats?

Huskies have an instinctual chase drive and can be drawn to cats due to their small size. This is because Huskies are descended from wolves and were once allowed to roam freely during the summer, which could explain why they find small animals attractive. When around cats, Huskies may become excited and engage in predatory behaviour as part of their chase sequence – see-chase-grab-kill – which can make them a danger to cats if the situation isn’t monitored properly. Though Huskies typically enjoy playing with cats, it is important for owners to keep an eye on their pet’s actions when they are around felines in case the Husky’s predatory instincts come out unexpectedly.

What is the difference between a husky and a hunting dog?

The Husky is not bred as a hunting dog, while the Hunting Dog is bred for that purpose.
The Husky has a stronger instinct to chase and catch prey than the Hunting Dog.
A husky and a hunting dog are two different breeds of dogs that originate from the northland area.
A hunting dog is used to hunt animals while a husky is not specifically bred for this purpose.

How can you tell if a husky is getting along with a cat?

It is possible for cats and huskies to get along, but it requires careful training. introducing the two when they are puppies and kittens can help them form a strong bond and reduce the chances of fighting. Ensuring that neither animal has territory over the other will also increase the likelihood of them getting along peacefully. Additionally, understanding each animals temperament can help owners understand potential conflicts before they arise; huskies tend to be very active, while cats tend to be more relaxed. With careful training and monitoring, cats and huskies can become good companions for one another.

What are some of the common problems you may encounter when trying to get a husky and a cat to get along?

One of the common problems when trying to get a Siberian Husky and a cat to get along is their contrasting personalities. Huskies are known for having laid back personalities while cats tend to be very energetic. This difference can lead to conflicts between them if not handled properly. Besides that, it’s difficult for cats and huskies to understand each other right away, so patience and understanding are key. Other issues that may arise include hyperactive behavior from either of the animals or hunger-induced fighting due to lack of food. To ensure harmony between your pets, always keep them separated if they become too energetic and feed them well so they don’t fight due to hunger.