Siberian Huskies: Can They Coexist with Other Dogs in Harmony?

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Husky smiling after exercising

We spoke with over 72 Husky owners to better understand how they approach socializing their dogs with other canines. And to help identify what strategies work best for Huskies when it comes to interacting with other dogs.

Specifically, we looked at:

  • Do huskies get along with other dogs?
  • Which breeds get along with Huskies?
  • Do Huskies kill other dogs?
  • Are they aggressive towards other dogs?
  • And more

Now it’s time to share what we discovered about whether Huskies are good with other dogs.


  • Huskies are known to have a friendly and sociable nature and can be trained to get along with other dogs.
  • To ensure a smooth interaction between Huskies and other dogs, proper introduction and understanding the individual personalities of both dogs is crucial.
  • Labrador Retrievers, Alaskan Malamutes, Australian Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Dalmatians, Border Collies and Standard Poodles are all breeds that are known to be compatible with Huskies.
  • With the right approach, most Huskies can live happily with other dogs.

Do Huskies get along with other dogs?

Huskies are known to have a friendly and sociable nature, which makes them generally compatible with other dogs. 

They have a predisposition to love and bond with other dogs and can be trained to get along with them. Being pack animals, having another dog around can be beneficial for their social needs. They also tend to get along well with small dogs due to their good-natured personalities. 

To ensure a smooth interaction between Huskies and other dogs, proper introduction and understanding the individual personalities of both dogs is crucial. 

With the right approach, most Huskies can live happily with other dogs.

Which dog breeds are compatible with Huskies?

Husky posing behind a mystical background


One breed that is a good match for Huskies is the Labrador Retriever. Labradors have similar personality traits to Huskies, such as being energetic, friendly, and obedient. They also make great family pets as they are patient with children. 

Additionally, Labradors have a high prey drive and need a dog that can keep up with them, making a Husky a suitable companion. 

Furthermore, Labradors are intelligent and have a high level of obedience, which can have a positive impact on a stubborn Husky. 

Overall, Labradors and Huskies have similar energy levels, personalities, and sizes, making them a great match.

Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute and the Husky can make a great pair due to their shared love for running and playing. Despite being heavier, the Malamute can hold its own against the Husky. 

Both breeds can be stubborn, so patience and dedication are needed when training. Additionally, the Alaskan Malamute has greater stamina and makes a better guard dog. 

However, it’s important to keep them on a leash or in a secured area as their recall abilities may be lacking. To have a successful relationship with these breeds, it’s important to be prepared for their stubbornness and to have the right knowledge and care. You shoudl speak with a professional who can provide guidance for owners to have the most positive experience with these dogs

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are known for their playful and energetic personalities, making them a great match for Huskies. 

Both breeds share similar characteristics, which is why they are often bred together to create the Aussie-Husky dog breed. Australian Shepherds are highly trainable and relatively easier to manage than Huskies, which can help Huskies become more obedient. 

Australian Shepherds have high energy levels that can match those of Huskies, making them great playmates.

With their intelligence and athleticism, Huskies and Australian Shepherds make an excellent pair and can provide each other with a stimulating and fun environment

Golden Retriever

The relationship between a Golden Retriever and a Husky is one of harmony and playfulness. These two breeds make great playmates due to the Retriever’s slightly larger size and more tolerant temperament. 

Despite Golden Retrievers not being as energetic as Huskies, their playful nature allows them to keep up with the Husky during playtime. 

Both breeds are highly loyal and loving, creating an unbreakable bond that is a joy to observe. A Golden Retriever’s intelligence and desire to please can result in a Husky becoming more obedient, strengthening the relationship between the two. 

While not the most active of breed combinations, the love and loyalty between a Golden Retriever and a Husky make them a perfect match


The interaction between a Dalmatian and a Husky is characterized by mutual respect and admiration. 

Both breeds are intelligent and energetic, and require plenty of physical activity and space to roam. They are known to enjoy each other’s company, with playful and affectionate interactions. 

Due to their similar size and intelligence, Dalmatians and Huskies make a natural pair. The protective instincts of the Dalmatian can complement the overly friendly nature of the Husky, making them a great team. 

Overall, owning both of these breeds is sure to bring joy to any pet parent.

Border Collie

The partnership between a Border Collie and a Husky can be a wonderful one. 

Both breeds are highly energetic and well-suited for work, with the Border Collie known for its intelligence and trainability and the Husky for its playful and friendly nature. As family pets, they can bond through active play and make great companions for each other. 

Keep in mind that Border Collies are much smaller in size than Huskies and may need supervision during interactions to prevent rough play. Breeds have different personalities, so it’s important to provide proper care and attention to ensure a positive relationship. 

With the right approach, a Border Collie and a Husky can make an excellent pair.

Standard Poodle

The relationship between a Standard Poodle and a Husky can be a joyous and fulfilling one for both breeds. 

Standard Poodles are known for their intelligence and energy, which makes them a great playmate for a Husky. Poodles are also easier to train than Huskies, and they are low-shedding. 

Both breeds require plenty of exercise and are best suited for experienced pet owners. With their energetic personalities, they can keep up with each other, and their patient and amicable nature ensures playtime is enjoyable for both. 

Standard Poodles can handle the Husky’s moods and their independent nature and intelligence will keep them focused on training. 

With the right amount of activity, these two breeds will form a strong bond that will last for many years.

Do Huskies kill other dogs?

No it is unlikley a husky will seriously attack and kill another dog.

The behavior of a Husky towards other dogs can vary depending on the individual dog and their past experiences. While Huskies may have a strong prey drive which can lead them to attacking small animals, this behavior is not typical of the breed. Huskies are often known to be loyal and loving, forming strong bonds with their families and other dogs.

Huskies should not be left alone with small animals as their prey drive can be triggered, leading to an attack. With proper supervision and early socialization, the chances of conflicts between a Husky and other dogs are greatly reduced. 

To ensure a safe environment for all pets, owners should monitor their Husky’s interactions with other animals, socialize them from an early age, and ensure that any small animals in the household have identification tags on them

Are Huskies aggressive towards other dogs?

Husky with a butterfly in its nose

It’s important to note that each Husky is an individual and their behavior can vary. While some Huskies may be friendly and gentle around other dogs, others may exhibit aggressive behavior if they feel threatened or insecure. 

To reduce the risk of aggressive behavior, it is important to supervise interactions between Huskies and other dogs, socialize them from an early age. If you provide adequate exercise and training it will help prevent aggressive behavior in Huskies towards other dogs.

Huskies are generally known to be friendly and playful dogs, making them great family pets. 

In certain situations, they may display aggressive behavior. These situations include feeling their dominance over their owner is challenged, encountering small animals or children, and sensing territorial intrusion. It is important to note that aggression towards other dogs is not a common trait among Huskies and can be prevented through proper training and socialization. 

Are Huskies good with other small dogs?

It depends on various factors such as the individual Husky’s personality, socialization, and the behavior of the small dog. 

In general, Huskies have a friendly and good-natured disposition, and many owners have reported that their Huskies can be very gentle and loving with smaller pets. 

That said, given their strong prey drive, some Huskies may exhibit aggression towards smaller dogs, particularly if they are overly excited, bark excessively, or become too playful. 

To ensure the safety of both animals, it is essential to introduce them carefully and supervise their interactions until you are confident they are getting along well. With proper training and socialization, Huskies and small dogs can coexist peacefully.


Here’s some common Q&A on this topic:

Are Huskies good with other dogs?

In most cases, yes, Huskies are known to be friendly and sociable dogs. They are often considered to be good family pets and are well-suited to living with other dogs, especially when they are well-socialized from a young age.

What traits do Huskies possess that make them good companions?

Huskies possess many traits that make them great companions. They are intelligent, loyal, loving, friendly, devoted to their work, open to mixing with almost any other dog, innately friendly, and gregarious. 

Can Huskies be aggressive towards other dogs?

While it is not a common trait of the breed, some Huskies may display signs of aggression towards other dogs, particularly if they feel threatened or insecure. To prevent such incidents from occurring, it is important to supervise your dog when it is around other animals, socialize it from an early age.

How can I ensure that my Husky gets along with other dogs?

To ensure that your Husky gets along with other dogs, it is important to socialize it from an early age, expose it to a variety of different dogs, and provide it with positive reinforcement when it interacts well with other animals.

Supervise your dog when it is around other pets and to make sure that it receives proper training and discipline.